Just what is he thinking?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

First Church of Disney World

I just read an article by Gary Smalley that got me thinking. He talks about people going to amusement parks and finding fun going up and down and around, only to end up right where they started.

It got me thinking..."Is that what people get out of church?" I mean, really. Do we come to church, go up, down and around, call it fun, only to leave in the same condition we started?

Or am I putting too much pressure on a Sunday service? Where does the life change happen? Honestly, I don't think it happens on Sundays. As least not to the degree we have traditionally placed on it. Where my life was changed was in private conversations, Bible studies, personal contacts and godly friendships.

I love Sunday morning services. I hope that lives are changed there. I hope that when people leave they have a chance to become a little more like Jesus. Maybe if someone hasn't yet accepted Jesus they will be a little closer to him. Then there is the hope that someone will take that step and receive Jesus as their Savior.

I've been places that wanted to go for a ride every Sunday morning. They sat down, locked the safety bar and waited for the ride to start. They didn't like it if it didn't wow them enough. When it was exciting enough, they left no different than when they arrived.

What are we wanting out of church anyway? A fun ride that brings us right back to where we started? Not me. I want solid life change. That comes from main services that are pointed in a definite direction and small groups that foster genuine, holistic, spiritual growth.


Blogger Christian said...


11:31 PM


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