Just what is he thinking?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Morning is my favorite time of day. This is unfortunate for me because I'm really not much of a morning person. I don't like getting out of bed. Because of this, I don't witness very many sunrises. Usually only out of necessity of having to be up for something.

But in the autumn, when whitetail deer season opens, I get to experience a whole lot more of them. I'm up way before daylight. And while it is still dark, I slip into the woods and climb into my treestand with my rifle or my bow--waiting for one of God's most beautiful creatures to walk out in front of me.

One of the things I enjoy most about this time is watching the sun come up. It's as if a whole new world awakens before me. First, the birds begin to chirp and sing. Then squirrels and chipmunks start to scurry around. I can see the steam rise as the sun begins to burn off the morning dew. I feel the warmth on my face.

A few minutes ago, I was sitting in darkness, unsure of what was around me. (I've been followed and face to face with coyotes and other predators while in the dark.) In the dark, noises can be difficult to identify. But when the sun rises all is clear. Things make sense. I can feel the advantage swinging into my favor.

Now the spiritual stuff...

Isaiah 60:1-2 says, "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you."

These are dark and uncertain times. The world seems to be cloaked in a shroud of darkness. Wars, financial collapse, relationship crises, etc. Yet in the midst of all of that, the Lord rises like the sun upon his people. His glory appears over his people. If it "appears" then it must be something that is visible to all.

Isaiah goes on to say that "nations will come to your light." People will notice a difference between those who follow Jesus and those who don't. We're in the same economic system, yet God's people have al they need. Our marriages weather many of the same storms, yet the stay together. (I'm speaking in faith.) Wars abound, but we are at peace.

There should be a marked difference. Not the kind of difference we create by how we dress, speak, or who we associate with. But the kind of difference God makes when he rises like the sun upon our lives--when his glory appears and is evident to all. It's the difference only God can make in the lives of those who are pursuing righteousness. It's not by our own efforts, but only by the favor and providence of God. It's the kind of difference I experience in the transformation of the forsest when daylight comes.

The psalmist says that God is a sun and shield for his people. Wow...that makes a whole lot more sense to me now. So followers of Jesus can take heart and be encouraged in the world's present crisis. Because God rises like the sun on our lives. His glory appears and is like a shield for us. This is something the world can see and take notice of...and hopefully be drawn closer to him.


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