Just what is he thinking?

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Jars of Clay

I'm facing a new challenge in ministry. Such a challenge that I wonder if I'm qualified to do it. On one hand, I realize that it's good to not think that you can do ministry by your own strength and know-how. But on the other hand, I know exactly how Moses felt when he told God, "Please, send somebody else!" But the more I pray, the more confident I feel. Confidence in the gifting that God has blessed me with, and confidence that God gives new anointing for new challenges. 2 Corinthians 4:7 continues to repeat itself in my brain. "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us."

The same guy who wrote that passage in 2 Corinthians also wrote 2 Timothy 2:20 - "In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble." It stands to reason that the articles of gold and silver are for noble purposes and the articles of wood and clay are for ignoble purposes. But in a large house, both are essential. Neither are worthless. In 2 Corithians 4, the Apostle Paul likens himself to an article of clay--an article used for ignoble purposes. It is not surprising that Paul would do this considering his other writings about himself.

This article of clay (Paul), made specifically for ignoble tasks, was carrying a noble treasure (the Gospel of Jesus Christ). Somebody somewhere must have made a mistake. Shouldn't the ministry of the Gospel be carried by more noble vessels? By those more refined and polished? God knows that is not me! But by God's great mercy, he purposefully gave it to the Apostle Paul and to me. It was by design. The focus is not on the vessel, but on the treasure inside. The relatively plain vessel doesn't take away from the splendor of the treasure. Rather, it amplifies it.

There was a time when Christianity was administered only by noble vessels. We call that period "The Dark Ages." So I'm going to stop stressing about whether or not I'm qualified to take on this new challenge and rest in the fact that God knows what he's doing. If he calls me, he will perform it. And the great thing is, the treasure of Jesus will be amplified more and more.


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