Just what is he thinking?

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Seven Churches - Ephesus

Notes from our Wednesday night Bible Study...

Revelation 2:1-7

Him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lampstands.

  • What do the stars represent?
  • What do the lampstands represent?
  • Jesus is saying, “These words are from the one who is with you and will not forsake you. I hold your destiny in my right hand.”


  • I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance…
  • Tested those who claim to be apostles but are not…
    • Major concern is falling away due to false teaching.
      • Distorting the Word
      • Weakening its power and authority
    • Opposed to the churches in Pergamum and Thyatira who were warned about their acceptance of false teachers.
  • You have persevered hardships and have not grown weary.


  • Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love.
    • Who or what is the first love?
    • Knowing correct doctrine, obeying some commands, and worshipping in a church are not enough.
      • We must have a heartfelt love for Jesus and his Word.
      • Paul said that I can have all the knowledge in the world, but if I don’t have love I’m nothing.
  • Consequence for continuing as they are…
    • They will have their lampstand removed from its place.
    • He will remove that church or congregation from his Kingdom.
    • Any branch that does not bear fruit will be cut off.
      • Love is one of the fruit of the Spirit.
      • Fruit also is produce.
        • Any church that does not produce will be cut off.
        • It’s useless.
      • Our ability to produce disciples in the Kingdom of God is directly linked to the love we share.
    • Get back to your reason for existence.
      • To enjoy the life God has given you.
      • To love people into the Kingdom of God.
    • We have three core values at First Assembly.
      • Everything we do should be for the purpose of building relationships with God and other believers.
      • Transforming lives to be like Christ.
      • Every member pursuing ministry and investing themselves into others.
    • That’s the heartbeat of our first love.
    • When we get off track, we lose focus and end up as a social club.
      • We need to stay centered on what we’re here for.
      • It’s all about the love of God and how to effectively show that to everyone.
    • When we forsake our first love, other things get an unnatural amount of importance.
      • Music styles
      • What we wear or don’t wear.
      • We get concerned about what kind of people come to the church.
      • Power struggles.
    • And the real love of God gets forsaken over petty things.


  • Repent and do the things you did at first.
    • The solution to fix this problem is repentance.
      • To repent, you first need to acknowledge your error.
      • The problem is that a lot of people think they’re right all the time.
    • I’ve even heard people say, “I don’t care what the Bible says, I want to do this” or, “I don’t want to do that.”
  • The picture I get of the church in Ephesus is that of staunch tradition and legalism.
    • We hold to the Word of God with strength.
    • We shall not be moved.
      • The outflow of that are traditions of men and legalism.
      • They know their doctrine.
      • But if they had really understood it, they would have held on to it with love instead of an iron fist.
  • Why do we try to protect the gospel?
    • It’s not ours to protect.
      • It’s ours to live out and spread around.
      • It’s God’s unchanging gospel and the world is not going to damage it.
    • Let’s talk about the social security issue again.
      • One side says, “Let’s keep it in a locked box.”
        • All the experts agree that won’t work for the long haul.
        • But it seems to be the safest course of action.
      • The other side says, “Let’s let it out of the box.”
        • It just might work.
        • But it’s risky.
    • I want to draw a parallel between that and the gospel.
      • Let it out.
      • Try new things.
      • Take risks.
        • Nothing great has ever been accomplished without risk.
        • Don’t be afraid to fail.
      • Get out of the boat, and get the gospel out of the box.
    • God’s love is the driving force of this.
      • Paul said that Christ’s love compels us.
      • God’s whole motivation for doing everything he did and still does is his great love.
    • Let’s get back to our first love.


  • But you have this in your favor, you hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.
    • Who were the Nicolaitans?
    • No one really knows, but there is fairly good certainty about their practices. (1 of 2 things…)
      • They taught that is was okay for Christians to sin and indulge in immorality because what is done in the flesh does not affect the spirit.
      • They taught that one had to indulge in sin and immorality so that you could have a proper understanding of it and a more educated stand against it.
  • Does this sound like anything you’ve heard in modern times?

To him who overcomes I will give the right to eat of the tree of life.

  • When Adam and Eve sinned, they were forbidden from eating of the tree of life.
    • Before they sinned, they were forbidden to eat of only one tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
      • They could partake of the tree of life as much as they wanted.
      • It was planted right in the middle of the garden.
    • Once they ate of the forbidden tree, sin sprang to life and produced death in them.
      • The life they had been receiving was cancelled out.
      • God took extraordinary measures to insure they would not be able to eat of the tree of life again and live forever in their fallen state.
    • Now, we, by overcoming sin through the blood of Christ, are granted permission to partake of this tree.
  • Here in the last book of the Bible we see the culmination of God’s eternal plan.
    • Ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, God has had a plan to bring mankind back to the kind of relationship him in the garden.
    • Here Jesus says, “You will eat of the tree of life in the paradise of God.”
      • It’s not an earthly garden.
      • It’s a better garden paradise in Heaven.


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