Just what is he thinking?

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Seven Churches - Thyatira

Notes from our Wednesday night Bible Study...

Revelation 2:18-29

  • Last week we talked about Pergamum which was a major and important city in the area.
    • Commerce, science, religion
  • 45 miles due east – Thyatira.
    • Not an important city like Pergamum
    • More of a blue collar city
      • Fabrics, clothing
      • Leatherwork
      • Bronze work

Jesus’ Introduction…

  • The Son of God
    • Eyes like blazing fire
      • Piercing, penetrating
      • Illuminating
    • Feet like burnished bronze
      • Brilliant, polished, smooth, glossy
      • Solid foundation / strength
    • I think people in this blue collar community could appreciate a Jesus like that.
  • I know your deeds.
    • He says this to three churches. (Ephesus, Thyatira, Laodicea)
      • What we DO is important.
      • Jesus is watching what we do or don’t do.
    • You are doing more now than you did at first.
      • Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to happen?
      • Growth was happening.
      • Churches can’t keep doing the same thing if we want to please God.
      • We’ve got to do more
  • I know your love, faith, service, perseverance.
    • Love (philo)
      • Personal attachment or affection
      • Toward each other
    • Faith (faithfulness)
      • Unswerving commitment to the Lord Jesus in a hostile environment.
    • Service
      • Toward the world
      • They knew they had mission and mandate from the Lord.
      • Go into all the world and make disciples.
    • Perseverance
      • Persistent determination, especially through adversity
      • 2 Peter 1:6 – perseverance leads to godliness
      • Romans 5,3-4 – produces godly character
    • I’m reminded of Paul’s words to the church in Thessalonica.
      • 1 Thes. 1:3“We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”
    • This church was doing something right.
      • Nevertheless, there is a huge flaw in the church.
      • Jesus has a few things against them.

Tolerating Jezebel

  • When he calls her Jezebel, he is referring more to her character than her actual name—she is a Jezebel.
    • This comes from 1 and 2 Kings.
      • Ahab was one of the worst kings Israel ever had.
      • It has a lot to do with his wife, Jezebel, who led Ahab to worship Baal and caused all of Israel to fall into idolatry.
    • She led them astray into sinful practices, and that’s just what this woman was doing to the church in Thyatira.
    • She claimed to be a prophetess.
      • What that means – she led them into immorality, claiming that it was God telling her to do so.
      • This was similar to the Nicolaitans and the teaching of Balaam that we discussed last week.
    • She called her practices “the deeper secrets/truths.”
      • They were actually what the Bible calls the doctrine of demons.
      • Born from the pit of Hell.
    • Food sacrificed to idols
      • Acts 15 – The council at Jerusalem
        • Prohibited gentile believers from eating food sacrificed to idols, sexual immorality, eat the meat of strangled animals, consuming blood.
        • This was to separate them from the pagan religious practices around them.
      • This woman led them into the first two.
      • They participated in the pagan practices of the world around them.
        • They mixed worship of God with worship of idols.
        • They worshipped God in the same way they would worship pagan idols.
  • We’re going to see that Jesus will deal with her, but the problem he had with the church is that they tolerated her.
    • They let her hang around—ignored her.
    • Tolerance – not only recognizing, but respecting the beliefs and practices of others.
      • Does this fit with our faith?
  • Now about her…
    • He gave her time to repent.
      • Why would he do that?
        • In the meantime, she was leading people away from God.
        • Romans 2:4 – God’s patience leads us to repentance.
      • Is that why the church was “tolerating” her?
    • God was willing to tolerate her for a while.
      • His tolerance was not acceptance, it was more like endurance.
      • But he knows if someone is going to repent or not, so why wait?
    • Was it more of a testing of the church?


  • It seems to be directed more at her unwillingness to repent rather than what she was doing.
  • Specific for her and her children—those who followed her.
  • I will cast her onto a bed of suffering.
    • She made her bed, now she’s going to lie in it.
    • She was a spiritual adulterous and caused other people to do the same thing.
      • If that’s what they want…that’s what they’ll get.
      • I will strike her children dead.
    • This will happen, unless they all repent of her ways.
  • The punishment will fit the crime.
    • I will repay each of you according to your deeds.
  • Then everyone will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds.
    • I’m the one with the eyes like blazing fire who sees past the exterior and into the heart and mind.


  • For the rest of the people in Thyatira, those who have not followed this Jezebel, keep up the good work.
    • Jesus is totally satisfied with what they are doing.
    • I’m not going to put any more demands on you because I don’t need to.
    • Just get rid of Jezebel woman.

To him who overcomes…

  • Then he adds “and does my will to the end.” ONLY HERE
    • Jesus’ words, Matthew 24:13 – he who stands firm to the end will be saved.
    • Keep doing what you’re doing.
    • Continue to do more and more.
  • Result…
  • Receive authority over the nations.
    • ‘He will rule them with an iron scepter; he will dash them to pieces like pottery’ – quote of Psalm 2:9
    • Refers to the millennial reign of Christ.
      • We will reign with him.
      • We will participate with Jesus in fulfilling that Scripture.
  • The morning star
    • Jesus is called the morning star.
    • Rev. 22:16
      • We will be united with him forever.
      • He is our gift, our life.

He who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

  • This is how he ends his letter to each church.
  • It’s a general exhortation to listen and obey.

General message…

  • Last week, no compromise.
  • This week, zero tolerance for sin.


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