Just what is he thinking?

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Ministry From the Heart

The Lord was angry with Eli the priest because of his sons, Hophni and Phineas. They served in the house of the Lord and did everything they were supposed to do. But the problem was that they separated themselves, who they were, from what they did. I'm sure they made all of the sacrifices in the right way. They wore the garments just so. They made sure that things were ordered the way they were supposed to be. But when it came to their personal lives, they did whatever they wanted to do. They slept with the girls who served at the entrance to the tent of meeting. They indulged themselves in whatever would bring them enjoyment. They separated who they were from what they did.

As a full-time minister, I don't believe this is possible. Okay...maybe it's possible, but it's not at all wise or beneficial. Ministry is not a formula--a color by numbers thing. If it were, then wouldn't everybody be saved? Jesus was speaking to the religious leaders in John's gospel. He said, "You diligently study the scriptures because in them you think you have life." I'm sure they looked at each other and said, "Well, yeah. Isn't that right?" Jesus goes on to explain that life is found in him. The scriptures point to him. They read and practiced the Law of Moses to the letter. But he said they didn't believe it. That was an offensive thing to say, but true. Because if they believed Moses, they would have believed Jesus.

The point is knowing Jesus. It's believing and living it from our hearts. I can do all the things a pastor is supposed to do--read the books, preach the sermons, visit people, follow up with visitors--because in them I find what it is to be a good pastor. But if my heart is not intimate with Jesus, I miss the point. Like Hophni and Phineas. I would only be going through the motions and pleasing myself.

I'm sure that many in ministry today are a lot like Hophni and Phineas. A lot like the religious leaders who did what they were supposed to do, but missed the point. I know that I have found myself in that situation before. God, let my heart be committed to you first. If I miss the point, then I don't even want to be in ministry. May the words of my mouth and the dedication of my heart be pleasing to you.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Just Do It

I came to the startling realization today that I am not nearly as disciplined as I need to be or want to be. I have always thought of myself as a disciplined person. I suppose that compared to some, I am. But that really isn't my motivation.

I read today in Bob Roberts Jr.'s book, Transformation, that people who make significant contributions in the world operate within the same 24 hour days as I do. I have often asked the question, "How do those guys do all of that?" Sometimes it seems like I hardly have enough time to do the essentials, much less anything else. But Roberts is absolutely right. People who make significant impacts in the world are bound to the same 24 hour days, 7 day weeks that I am.

I got thinking about my days. Actually, I feel like I make pretty good use of my time. However, with a couple of simple tweaks, I have freed up 7 1/2 hours per week and have the possibility to make 10 hours per week a whole lot more productive. I'm not cutting anything out except those things that probably need to be cut out. I'll be spending my time doing those things I really want to do but feel like I don't have the time.

This is going to take discipline. It starts with an inner desire to be more than what I am. I am looking forward to deeper intimacy with God, better physical health, and more investment into my personal ministry.

I'm starting my new schedule tonight. I know it would be a good idea to read books about discipline, time management and things like that. But I think the wiser course is to just do it. It's not rocket science.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Looks Like a Girl!

Meet Morgan. She is about 17 weeks in the making. Right now she is an estimated 3 1/2 centimeters long. You can check her progress at www.MeetMorgan.com.