Just what is he thinking?

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The Seven Churches - Laodicea

Notes from our Wednesday night Bible Study...

Revelation 3:14-22


  • Situation
    • In a very fertile valley.
    • The great Roman road that ran straight through the middle of the city.
      • This combined to make Laodicea a very wealthy city.
      • It was an important city for trade and communication.
  • Laodicea was so wealthy that when it was destroyed by an earthquake in A.D. 61, the Laodiceans refused aid from Rome for rebuilding.
    • It was an attitude of self-sufficiency.
    • It was tradition and old money.
    • In all honesty it was nothing more than pride.

Verse 14

  • Jesus is the Amen
    • Amen means “so be it.”
    • He’s the man.
    • There is no one greater to believe or trust in.
  • The faithful and true witness
    • He accurately testifies of God the Father.
    • He said that if you see him you see the Father.
    • He is the exact representation of who God is. (Heb 1)
  • Ruler of God’s creation
    • This is so because he made everything.
    • John 1:3
    • Heb 1 – he sustains all things by his powerful word.
  • He’s the man, he is right, and he rules.
    • The people in Laodicea were very prideful and self-sufficient.
    • But Jesus is saying here, “You better listen to me.”

Verse 15

  • Once again, “I know your deeds.”
    • But just like the church in Philadelphia, he wasn’t concerned about their deeds.
      • He doesn’t start talking about their deeds at all.
      • He goes straight to the heart of the matter.
    • You are neither…(15,16)
      • The issue is not their deeds—what they were doing or not doing.
      • The issue is their heart.
    • Is your heart right or is it not.
      • If it is, great.
      • If it’s not, get it right.
      • But don’t play both sides.
  • He used the imagery of lukewarm water.
    • Laodicea, despite its wealth, had poor water.
      • They had to build a six-mile long aqueduct that stretched south to a water source.
        • It either started off at a hot spring or a cold spring.
        • Whichever it was, by the time it made the six-mile trip to Laodicea it was lukewarm.
      • It was also unfit to drink.
        • They had to treat their water in order to drink it.
        • Drinking the lukewarm water straight from the aqueduct would make you sick and induce vomiting.
    • When Jesus said that he would spew them out of his mouth, he was saying that lukewarm Christians make him sick and want to vomit!
    • He’s saying, “Pick one!”
      • Serve me or don’t.
      • But don’t play both sides.
      • It’s better to be all the way out than only half-way in.
  • The church in Laodicea was enjoying comfort and prosperity.
    • They were not being persecuted like the other churches we talked about.
      • They we self-satisfied.
      • They were accommodated.
    • All of the other churches in the area were being persecuted.
      • How could it be that this one was not?
      • Compromise with the world.
      • Enjoying the pleasures of the world.
      • The Bible says that friendship with the world puts you at odds with God.

Verse 17 – we see their attitude

  • Look at us!
    • They had adopted the same self-sufficient, prideful attitude as the rest of the town.
    • They had all the money to do anything they wanted.
      • But they didn’t have God.
      • And since they didn’t have God, they didn’t have anything.
  • God is the source for everything.
    • It’s not money.
    • He said, “You think you’re rich, but you don’t have a thing.”
  • They had prominent members, beautiful facilities, and large bank accounts.
    • They said, “We don’t need anything else.”
    • They lost sight of what they were there for.
      • Their focus was on “we.”
      • Like some kind of exclusive club.
  • Hosea 12:8
    • As if wealth made them above the law.
    • That’s the same attitude the church in Laodicea had.
  • A lot of people would look at that church and call it successful.
    • The Laodiceans no doubt did.
    • But God measures success differently than we do.
      • Not by what we have.
      • But by our heart and what we are doing for him.

Verse 18

  • They truly could not see themselves.
    • Have you heard about the story of the Emperors new clothes?
    • That’s how God saw the church in Laodicea.
    • Gold
      • Laodicea was rich in gold.
      • But earthly gold could not compare to true riches in Christ.
    • White clothes.
      • Laodicea was known for its production of black wool.
      • Earthly garments cannot cover up sin.
      • Only the white garment of purity and righteousness that comes from Jesus can cover our sins.
    • Salve for their eyes
      • There was a popular ointment manufactured in Laodicea that was commonly used to cure eye infections.
      • Jesus said, “If you really want to see straight, come to me.”
  • All this stuff they leaned on—their own wealth and self-sufficiency—could not do a thing for them.
    • They are only a shadow.
    • The only things they need are found in Jesus.
    • So he was giving a stern rebuke in order to turn them back around.

Verse 19

  • When Jesus disciplines us, it’s not for our shame, but for our redemption.
    • It’s because he loves us that he disciplines us.
    • Anyone who is a parent knows this.
    • He had some hard words for Laodicea, but it got there attention.

  • In verse 20 he said, “Here I am.”
    • I’m not turning my back on you.
    • Finish verse.
  • He’s not going to force his entry.
    • But he will keep knocking and calling.
      • “I know you’re in there!”
      • “Open the door and we’ll share a meal together.”
    • What Jesus wants here is true fellowship with us.
      • Straight from the heart.
      • He’s not found in a beautifully ornate stained-glass window inlaid with gold.
      • He’s found at home—at the dinner table.
    • I love having people over and just sitting around the kitchen table.
      • We’ll have coffee, play games, talk and laugh.
      • That’s the kind of relationship Jesus wants with us.
    • Laodicea had forsaken that kind of fellowship.
    • Traded it in for political correctness and comfort.

Verses 21-22

  • If you sit with me now in fellowship around the dinner table, you will sit with me later on my throne in Heaven.
    • One day many people are going to stand before God and say, “Look at us—look what we did for you, Lord.”
      • But what will Jesus say?
      • Depart from me, I never knew you.
    • We didn’t have fellowship together.
      • You were certainly busy.
      • But when I knocked and called to you, you didn’t have time for me.
  • But he who overcomes to the end and builds that intimate relationship with me…


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