Just what is he thinking?

Monday, June 19, 2006

Overcomplicating the Gospel?

The Apostle Paul said that he preached only one thing--Jesus Christ and him crucified. Translation...the simple message of the Gospel. It seems that Paul held to the K.I.S.S. motto (Keep It Simple, Stupid). Yet today there are so many buzz words going around the contemporary church. Vision, purpose, mission statement, vision statement, core values just to name a few. You're just not a cool church if you don't have some of those.

Are we overcomplicating the Gospel? Where is the simplicity of Paul's simple message? Our church has a stated vision and core values. Did I just get caught up in the hype, or is there method to all of this? The way I see it, a clear vision and defined core values help to make sure you stick to the simple message of the Gospel. I think that sometimes in our efforts to be "all things to all people" we get side-tracked into doing things that have no eternal value or do not lead people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. There are so many good things we can do, but I want to do the best things.

Sometimes, we can hear these words and not understand exactly what they are. Confusion begins to set in and it just seems like we're trying to overcomplicate things. Keep the Gospel programmed and controllable. But the message of Jesus Christ is not bound. It's fluid. It's an overwhelming force! It is impossible for us to control it! That's exactly why we work to keep ourselves focused.

Adherence to God's vision for our church while working through the core values he has given us will help ensure that we are not chasing rabbits or spinning our wheels. But they will keep us focused on what the simple message of Jesus, his death, and resurrection tell us.


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